Sunday 26 September 2010

Daily Snaps - Colorful

Colorful Balloons
Green balloons, red balloons, purple, and blue...
Would you jump in a pool full of balloons?
Swimming in color, squeaky in rubber!
Playing in balloons, seems like forever.
I like tossing balloons in the air,
rubbing balloons in my hair.
I stick them up against the wall,
and wait to see when they fall.
Gold balloons, silver balloons, pink ones too!
I mostly like bright yellow balloons.
Colorful balloons make me smile.
I want balloons as long as a mile.
Only tip when it comes to balloons...

When blowing them up, make sure to stop.
Because if you don't, balloons ALWAYS POP!

- Tommy G.

Daily Snaps:

WoW it's been 15 days!!! We are half way done with this challenge.
Today was very busy day. I had my last follow-up for my surgery. It's been 3 months since the second surgery and 8 months since the first one. It's amazing how much your quality of life can change when you are able to do things that before were difficult. After the Dr's appt we drove around Naha for a little bit. We found this great Shrine which I promise to share pictures of later this week. I wasn't able to do it tonight because I had a session as soon as I arrived home. The session was for a dear friend who's Mother is currently visiting from the states. They were interested in doing a generational session of just the ladies. I had the pleasure of sharing with Gaga Bella's first session at the hospital and second session during her almost 5 day session. I have been looking forward to this session for 5 wks now since this was going to be Gaga's first family photographs with little bella. We had a lot of fun and the weather was wonderful!! I hope that you were able to get out today and enjoy this beautiful day too.

The above photograph is of Bella's older sisters. I have been wanting to take a picture with balloons for sometime now. Bella's sisters were very happy to help me out.

Have a wonderful evening!!!
I am very sleepie from a very long weekend!!

Looking forward to tomorrow as I get to photograph another dear friend's maternity session =)

Sweet Dreams!
Catch you same time. Same place.


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