Monday 14 February 2011

Okinawa Photographer - Daily Snaps- Love

Once you have learned to love,
You have learned to live.

Daily Snap-

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope that you are able to celebrate with the ones you love. Even though I'm not able to spend this day with my true love. I have been blessed to spend many other days with him and all the ones to come. As a military family you get use to not celebrating holidays on the days that everyone else celebrates them on. Sometimes Christmas may come in July or even in February. Everyone has their own way of making the best of  the time we have with our loved ones. I am very thankful to be a spouse now with all the technology that allows us to keep in touch. Yes, the internet connection may be crappy. Yes, the phone calls sound like you are talking to a robot but we are truly blessed. Way back when you didn't get mail for months and phone calls probably were non-existent. I'm glad that in my heart I know that I don't have to have a certain date on a calendar to know that I'm loved. I hope that you know that somebody loves you today, tomorrow and always. That they too don't need a calendar to remind them how special you are to them. May you be surrounded by love today and always.

Originally I was going to post Typhoon Trio's session as my valentine post but I already posted their session. Plus the daily snap is about posting a picture that is taken that day. 
Today's photograph is of Miss R sporting her new custom made crochet hat from Fancy Schmancy Baby Boutique.


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